Warrior 2 is Love Bodhisattva is a term that means the heart of the yogic warrior. In Pema Chodron’s book, the places that scare you, she describes this: “. . . we can let the circumstances of our lives harden us so that we become increasingly resentful and afraid, or we can let them soften us and make us kinder and more open to what scares us. We always have this choice.” This is the center of the spiritual heart, that soft spot within, that is never wounded. It is walking around with this vulnerability that allows us to appreciate everything a little deeper and have a greater sense of joy for life. You can practice tuning into Bodhisattva by placing your hands on your heart and simply feeling. You can also play with any of the asanas (yoga poses). For example, hold Warrior 2 and listen to the energy of your heart in this pose. What are you sensing? I often feel like this . . . I am not what lies ahead, nor what lies behind, I am present in Bodhisattva, center of the yogic warrior, that soft spot that doesn’t need to be protected. I am doing a Wild Medicine Mentorship with Sheryl Edsall and last week the focus was the medicine of Hawthorne. This plant supports the heart, lowers blood pressure and has a calming effect. As I drink and meditate with Hawthorne, I am experiencing greater awareness of the temple of my heart. I am sent to a vast, warm space; like coming in from being outside on a cold winter day. Funny enough, I have been jogging and sprinting a lot lately. The grandeur of tree medicine reminds me how big and strong I can be. Brew your own Hawthorne tea:1 tsp of dried hawthorne leaves and flowers (find at your local health food store)1 cup of boiling water Pour the hot water over the leaves and let steep for 3 to 5 minutes. Sip the tea. Slow to really take in the qualities of the medicine of Hawthorne. How do you feel after you drink or meditate with the plant? Journal, sing, dance or do what you really love to connect to the magnificence of the tree. Hawthorne messages to me . . . I am the cave of the heart. I protect you from heaviness there. I am a safe refuge, like a home. I am massive, patient love. The creatures come to gather under me. I have a great affection for them. But I am more . . . I am a portal to their inner strength . . . your deeper loving self. With much love,Helen